The weekend before Christmas Noah's parents came to visit on their way down to Florida. On Sunday we did Christmas with them. We had a fantastic homemade spaghetti dinner and then we opened presents. Everyone was very generous. Izabel got the cutest GAP sweatshirt from Aunt Theresa, a big box of books that have DVDs to go with each one, cowgirl boots from Gymboree and the cutest little suitcase for her to pull around. They got us the big George Foreman grill with all of the inter-changeable plates and a wireless router (I'm sitting on the couch typing this right now!) We also got a hand-held massager, digital photo frame and several other things. Everyone had a great day together and Izabel had lots of fun helping everyone open their presents and playing with hers! Mimi and Papa had to leave to head down to Florida but they'll be back this weekend for some more quality time with Izzy!
Checking out Papa Bear's present
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