Since this weekend was my birthday and Noah was out of town last weekend, this was supposed to be my weekend to relax. I can say that Noah did a great job helping out around the house and taking care of Izabel. I got to sleep in both days which is a rare treat and is about to become even rarer when Tanner arrives.
Friday we hung out at home and my little brother Matthew came over to hang out with us. Noah and Matt played video games after Izabel and I went to bed. Then Saturday after I got up Noah went to help his aunt paint her bedroom (she has helped us paint almost every part of our house) and Matt stayed to help me with Izzy. I wanted to get all of Tanner's clothes put away. I started with cleaning out Izabel's closet because I needed the hangers and I needed to see exactly what clothes she has that fit right now. Let's say it's not a lot. She still has winter stuff she can't wear yet and we'll be lucky if she is big enough for the summer stuff by August. She is just getting into 12 months clothes so I boxed up all of the 9 month and below stuff for Rebecca's new little girl Rylee. Then my parents came to take Izabel down to the condo they manage at the beach. They wanted to take her for a walk on the boardwalk but it ended up being too cold and windy down there. I finished Izabel's closet and put all of Tanner's 0-6 month clothes away. There are still quite a few things we need as far as clothes go for him but we have a lot of things and we're grateful for that. I still haven't bought him a hospital picture/coming home outfit yet but I'm sure I'll find something in time.
After Noah got home we got ready to go out for my birthday dinner. Me and Noah met up with Courtney, Malina, Amy and Ray and Brian and Elizabeth at Shogun. We had crazy white guy (aka Pete) as our chef and I think we all laughed the whole time. If you ever go there make sure you ask for him, he's the best!

Sunday I got up and did some cleaning (I guess it is the whole nesting thing going on) and then headed out to get a pedicure and do a little shopping. I went to Michael's to get Tanner's letters and a shelf for his room. I need to go back and pick up one more shelf and then everything needs to get painted but that should finish off his room. My parents brought steaks over for dinner and we all hung out until bedtime. For presents I got the pottery barn kids first year frame for Izzy's pictures, a gift certificate to Red Lobster, the cutest little bear with a bib that says I'm the Little Brother and a ticket to see Wicked with my mom! I'm pretty excited about all of them and I had a great weekend. Now I'm back at work with only 5 days left and only 9 days left until we meet Tanner Wayne!!! Hope everyone has a great week :)
After Noah got home we got ready to go out for my birthday dinner. Me and Noah met up with Courtney, Malina, Amy and Ray and Brian and Elizabeth at Shogun. We had crazy white guy (aka Pete) as our chef and I think we all laughed the whole time. If you ever go there make sure you ask for him, he's the best!
Sunday I got up and did some cleaning (I guess it is the whole nesting thing going on) and then headed out to get a pedicure and do a little shopping. I went to Michael's to get Tanner's letters and a shelf for his room. I need to go back and pick up one more shelf and then everything needs to get painted but that should finish off his room. My parents brought steaks over for dinner and we all hung out until bedtime. For presents I got the pottery barn kids first year frame for Izzy's pictures, a gift certificate to Red Lobster, the cutest little bear with a bib that says I'm the Little Brother and a ticket to see Wicked with my mom! I'm pretty excited about all of them and I had a great weekend. Now I'm back at work with only 5 days left and only 9 days left until we meet Tanner Wayne!!! Hope everyone has a great week :)
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