Obvoiously we didn't have a whole lot planned for Easter since we had just brought Tanner home but we wanted to make sure we celebrated as much as we could. My parents picked up Izabel and took her to church with them Sunday morning. I love her Easter dress so much and I was so glad she got to wear it even though the weather could have been better! I hated covering it up with her coat. After she got back from church we hung out and she took a nap. Then my Mom, Grandma, Matt, Amy, Ray and friend Courtney came over for Easter lunch/dinner. We had ham, sweet potatoes, corn, salad, mac & cheese and lots of yummy desserts. Then we went outside for Izabel to have an Easter egg hunt. It only took her a few minutes to get the hang of it and then she was off finding the eggs. Most of the eggs had little snack things in them like cheerios or animal crackers but one of them had a piece of candy. Izabel never has candy but for this special occasion we let her have the chocolate she found in the egg! After the egg hunt everyone started to head out. I was spent and Tanner needed to eat. We had a great day but we were all exhausted when it was over. Of course Tanner didn't let me and Noah get as much sleep as we did the first night but at least Izabel slept through the night again! Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!
All ready for Sunday School
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