Happy Memorial Day! We hope everyone had a great weekend! We spent the weekend down at the beach camping at Holiday Travel Park. We go every year with several families and we always have a great time! I was excited to go again this year but I knew it would be a lot of work. Because of Izabel and mainly Tanner we decided not to spend the night so there was a lot of driving back and forth. I started packing and got almost everything ready on Thursday. Then Thursday night Mimi (Noah's mom), Cindy and Molly came into town. Theresa and Molly came over to visit and hung out for a while with me and the kids while Noah went over and played with his Mom, Aunt, Gram, Laurie and Cindy.
Friday morning we got up and started loading the car. There is a lot of stuff that needs to go and we always end up finding a bunch more things we need as we load up the car! After the chairs, grill, coolers, food, diaper bags, clothes, toys, blankets, and who knows what else we had a packed car and we didn't even have the major camping supplies! We share a camp site with Aunt Ann and use her pop-up camper so a lot of the supplies we need come with her. Once we got down there and got everything set-up Izabel got to go play at the park and even took a little dip in the pool! We had hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner and visited with the other families as they arrived. I stayed in the shade pretty much the whole time but still managed to get a sun burn! I'm pretty used to it by now! Then I took the kids and headed home for baths and bed.
Tanner with Cindy and Aunt Theresa
Playing in the wagon...she can get in and out by herself now!
Tanner with Cindy and Aunt Theresa
Saturday morning we packed up more stuff (the stuff we realized we forgot!) and headed back down for breakfast. Then we spent the day watching the boys play volleyball, playing at the park, taking walks and playing in the pool. Izabel loved the pool as usual even though it was freezing! We had steaks for dinner and then all four of us headed home to once again do baths and go to bed.
Helping with the breakfast dishes!
Staying hydrated while waiting to go play
Our little slugger! (We tried very hard to keep him out of the sun)
All ready to go to the pool
Playing with Mimi
Jumping to Daddy
Nap time
(I have this same pic from last year but it's not saved on this computer!)
Helping with the breakfast dishes!
(I have this same pic from last year but it's not saved on this computer!)
Noah had to work Sunday but I went ahead and took the kids down so they could spend some more time with Mimi before she went back to Vermont. It rained on and off all day and was pretty overcast so everyone just hung out by the campsite. Izabel did get some time at the park and in the pool. Noah came down around 3 and played cards with the boys. We had a great chicken dinner and then packed up as much as we could fit and headed home.
Monday morning Noah went down to the campsite to help pull the camper back to the house and bring the rest of the stuff home. Then he went to work and we just hung out here. Izabel and Tanner were pretty fussy all day since they spent the weekend being held and getting a ton of attention! This is my last week of official maternity leave! I go back to work on Monday for two weeks and then I'm off for six weeks of vacation!
where are you i mean i have sent you like faive million comments and you wrote me anything
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