Today makes Tanner 3 months old and Izabel 21 months old! I can't believe it has been 3 months already with Tanner in our lives but in other ways it seems like he has been here forever!
Tanner is doing a lot of interacting now. He smiles and coos and loves to be told how handsome he is. He has found his hands and feet and really enjoys sucking on his fist no matter how hard we try not to let him. He is finally doing really well at sleeping pretty much through the night. He wakes up sometimes but I don't feed him and we go back to sleep until it is time to eat. He loves to look at the baby in the mirror even though he doesn't know it's him. He is a very laid back guy and doesn't really cry often unless he is hungry. He loves his swing and I'm glad someone is finally getting some use out of it! It's in the kitchen now and it's really helpful to be able to put him in there so I can cook or do some chores. He has moved into size 2 diapers and is wearing 3 month clothes. He is a big boy but it works for him! I think we might have a football player on our hands and I'm sure his Daddy would be very happy if it ended up that way! Maybe they could share the same number!!! Now that he is bigger and things are a little more manageable we really are enjoying being parents of two!
Izabel is turning more and more into a little girl every day! The baby days are gone and the terrible twos have already arrived! She is still a very loving and happy girl but she's started to hit other kids when we are out playing. We can't figure out why and we're trying very hard to stop it but we also realize it is something that comes with this age. She's in two play groups for kids born in 2007 and she loves going on our playdates! We go 3-4 times a week to different places in the area and she's gotten really good at playing on the playgrounds or in the bouncy houses! She gets so excited when I say we are going out. She also loves to play outside and in the pool. I don't get her in the pool often because I'm usually home alone with both of them but when she does get to go she is so happy! She's still wearing size 3 diapers and she is between 12 months and 18 months clothes depending on the brand. She's still only saying a few words but she knows how to get what she wants so it doesn't seem to be a problem for her! She loves watching her Baby Einstein movies and gets so mad when I don't let her (which is pretty often!) She's a joy to have around and I love watching her discover new things and abilities. You can actually see her processing and it's so exciting to see her figure something out! Only 3 more months and she'll be two and I just can't believe it!
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