Even though I was exhausted from a long week and this cold that won't go away, we still had a very busy weekend planned. Friday I took my students to Richmond for Fashion Career day at VCU. After the presentation we headed over to Short Pump mall for lunch and little shopping. They have a Pottery Barn Kids there so I went ahead and picked up Tanner's first year frame. We hit a lot of traffic heading back to Hampton and then I hit even more trying to get home so it was pretty late by the time I got there. We just hung out and watched tv until bedtime.
I swear it seems like he is always happy!
Saturday morning we had tickets to go see the sneak preview of Old Dogs at Lynnhaven. We won the tickets at the ODU football game when they picked Izabel's picture. The movie stars John Travolta and Robin Williams and it is hilarious! We took my sister and her husband Ray along with us and we all had a great time. A big thank you to Laurie for babysitting! It was nap time when we got home and we all managed to get a little nap in. Then it was time to get ready to head to ODU for basketball. ODU beat Marshall and it was a great game. While we were at the game Izabel climbed into Tanner's crib and then somehow managed to jump out! She landed on her head and gave Grandma quite a scare. She had a bit of a bruise and bump but she was fine. After the game Noah and I went to Brian's house to watch the UFC fight. All of the fights went all three rounds so it was pretty late by the time we got home.
Sunday morning we slept in a little and Noah went to play football with his friends. This was the first SunDAY that he has had off this season so he couldn't wait to get out there and play. Unfortunately I had to make him come home early so we could go take family Christmas pictures. The dad of a kid in our play group is a photographer and he offered to do Christmas pictures for free so of course we had to go! He got a great one of us and a great one of Tanner. I can't wait to see them all and of course I'll put them up for everyone to see :) After the pictures we went home for lunch and nap and I started cleaning. Noah had to go to work but my whole family came over to have dinner and cake in celebration of Amy's 27th birthday. We all had such a great time and the kids played so hard that they went right to sleep at bedtime. Noah worked until about 10:00pm and then had to get up at 3:30am to go back into work but at least he is back on the truck and back on a normal schedule. Now we're just hoping it stays that way for a while!
Tanner with Uncle Ray
Tanner with Uncle Ray
but I was trying to get one of the outfit :)
her much so we were so happy she could make it
We hope you all had a great weekend and have a great short work week! Happy Thanksgiving!
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