Due to the craziness of the season and everything we have going on I have obviously been slacking a little bit on the blog! Below are weekend updates for the past two weeks. It's a long one but it explains why we've been so busy! Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!!!
December 10-13
We had a great weekend with Humaira (the kid's Godmother) in town! We started our weekend with a visit to Santa on Thursday. Tanner did a great job sitting on his lap and taking a picture but Izabel didn't want to have anything to do with him. She started saying "No, No" and then when we picked her up and walked over there she started saying "Please No, Please No." Of course we didn't force her but we were sad not to get our picture!
Friday after work we headed to the Admiral's hockey game. Noah got the whole box from work so we got to sit right on the ice. We're kind of spoiled from all the times we've gotten to sit down there so we don't really like to sit anywhere else! We brought along Humaira, my friend Candace from work, her boyfriend Matt, and a handful of Noah's friends. We had a great time and the Admirals won! Afterward I went back to the house with Humaira and Noah went to his friends house to hang out for a while.

Pictures from www.norfolkadmirals.com of the game we went to

Saturday morning we got up and Humaira, Izabel and I all headed out to do some shopping. Since I had only purchased one Christmas present I had a lot of work to do! We headed to Toys R Us first and then over to Landstown Commons. We went to Carters and then had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings. Izabel ate a whole basket of corn dog bites and fries and drank the whole cup of milk! She must be hitting a growth spurt because she is eating like crazy! If you know Izabel then you know how unusual that is! Then we went to Kohls where we did a lot of damage. Izabel fell asleep in the stroller so it was pretty easy to take our time and check a lot of people off my list. I even bought presents for Izabel right in front of her! I probably won't be able to do that next year :) After Kohls we were exhausted so we headed over to Skinny Dip for some yummy frozen yogurt and to recharge. They have 8 different flavors and TONS of toppings. Izabel has only had ice cream one other time I think so she LOVED it. I put gummy bears and a ton of fruit on some strawberry yogurt and she kept saying "More peas, more peas!" It was so cute.
Just some of the many toppings offered at The Skinny Dip!

After Skinny Dip we went home to a beautiful house! Noah and Tanner had cleaned up, vacuumed, done laundry and even put the lights on the Christmas tree! It was a great present for me :) Tanner was napping so Humaira and I started wrapping presents. When he got up we opened presents with Humaira. Both of the kids got tons of clothes. Izabel got a Snow White doll (she's getting the DVD for Christmas) and Tanner got the laugh and learn bunny. We also got a fluted cake pan from pampered chef! We laid around for a while and then went to Friday's for dinner. We planned on having game night and ordering the fight but we were exhausted so we just went to bed.
Izabel helped Daddy finish the lights
by putting the angel on top of the tree
Humaira always goes overboard with the presents
Izabel can really tear through presents now
Tanner just wanted to eat the paper!
Just some of the many toppings offered at The Skinny Dip!

After Skinny Dip we went home to a beautiful house! Noah and Tanner had cleaned up, vacuumed, done laundry and even put the lights on the Christmas tree! It was a great present for me :) Tanner was napping so Humaira and I started wrapping presents. When he got up we opened presents with Humaira. Both of the kids got tons of clothes. Izabel got a Snow White doll (she's getting the DVD for Christmas) and Tanner got the laugh and learn bunny. We also got a fluted cake pan from pampered chef! We laid around for a while and then went to Friday's for dinner. We planned on having game night and ordering the fight but we were exhausted so we just went to bed.
Izabel helped Daddy finish the lights
by putting the angel on top of the tree
Sunday morning we planned on finishing up some shopping while Noah played football but it was pouring by the time we were ready to head out so we decided to wait. Izabel kept saying "I ready Mommy, I ready Mommy!" She was so upset that we weren't leaving and she made sure we knew it. She threw quite the temper tantrum when I tried to put her back in regular underwear to stay home. We ordered pizza and she didn't even want that! Noah came home and Humaira and I headed back to Kohls to make some returns/exchanges and use our Kohls cash. When we got home both kids were napping and Humaira hit the road to go home. Noah and I had a nice hour together playing games before the kids got up. Izabel woke up and threw another temper tantrum! How long do the terrible twos last??? It doesn't happen often, but every once in a while she has days where we just look at her and try to figure out who's kid she is! After we got her calmed down we went out to Greenbrier mall for a few more gifts. We went to JcPenny and Sears and successfully finished most of our shopping. I have one more person to pick up a gift for! It's so exciting to be done but I'm not looking forward to all the wrapping I have to do in the next few days!
Izzy and Tanner with their drinks and blankies

Izzy and Tanner with their drinks and blankies
December 16-21
On Wednesday of this week I stayed after school for the DECA Christmas party. After the party I had dinner with some friends and then met my mom back at school to watch the drama club's production of "A Christmas Carol." The kids did a great job and it was really nice to watch a few of my students perform.
Thursday I rushed home from work to make cookies for the Zeta Alumni meeting. I was so excited to actually be able to go this month. We did a cookie exchange and an ornament chinese auction. It was great to see some of my old Zeta friends and meet a few new ones. I'm definetly looking forward to next month!
Friday I rushed home again to make gingerbread and pigs in a blanket for the Michael's Christmas party. We look forward for this party every year. A lot of our friends from camping come and it's always nice to catch up. The kids had a great time getting lots of attention and there was lots of great food.
Tanner had a great time!
Izabel playing dolls with the older girls
Tanner and Mrs. Sherri

Saturday we worked on getting the house cleaned up. Around 2 we started getting ready to head to Hampton for my faculty Christmas party when I got a phone call that the rode to our site was flooded from the storm. We discussed options and our principal tried to find another site but eventually we decided we would have to cancel the party. After speaking with the principal and all the vendors we decided to move the party to January 29th. Even though it won't be Christmas anymore we'll still have a Christmas themed party and we'll all have a great time. I've already started receiving RSVPs and it looks like we will have more people for the January party than we would have had at the December one so everything worked out for the best! Since we didn't have to go to Hampton but my mom was already here to babysit she let us go see a movie and have dinner. We saw The Blind Side and it was fantastic. If you haven't seen it yet you should go as soon as possible! After we got home Noah's mom and stepdad (Mimi and Papa) got in from Vermont. They came over with Auntie Ann and Theresa and we all had dinner and visited for a while. It is always great to see them!
While the whole upper east coast got pounded...
this was our blizzard!

Sunday morning Izabel slept until 9:00am! We were late to church because we use her as our alarm. We haven't been in a while so she had moved to a new class. She cried when I left her which is never fun but she is going to have to get used to it since preschool is coming soon! It was a great service with great music. While I was gone with the kids Noah met Barry at Home Depot for materials to work on our deck. This was our Christmas present from them and it looks beautiful! It's not quite finished so pictures will have to wait until next weekend. Throughout the day people stopped by to visit. I managed to get the tree decorated and all the presents wrapped. We did Christmas with Noah's family and we all got amazing gifts. Izabel and Tanner got lots of toys and clothes, I got a purse full of goodies and Noah and I both got season passes to Ocean Breeze. We also of course had the deck repairs and we got a gift certificate to Home Depot to start working on our fence. Soon we'll have this place looking exactly like we want it to! After presents we all had lasagna and the Michael's family came to visit as well. We had such a great time with everyone and it was tough when it came time to say goodnight!
We have four stockings now!!!
The tree, mantle and all the presents!
Izzy and Auntie Tree
Izabel loves her new doll stroller
Papa gave Tanner a Harley hat...
he smiles every time we put it on him!

We had a little more time with Mimi and Papa on Monday. They came over to work on the deck some more and play with the kids. They stayed while Noah and I went to Strayer University to meet with admissions. Noah is officially enrolled in their BBA program and will start January 11th. He should get full benefits from the post 9/11 GI bill which will be amazing during his three years of school. Everything looks good but we're still keeping our fingers crossed that it all turns out the way they say it will. I'm so proud of him for finally doing this. I know it will be tough while we're both in school but in the end it will be such a great thing for our family! We came home and said goodbye to Mimi and Papa. They headed down to Florida to have Christmas with Gigi but they will be back next weekend! Now it's time to enjoy a few weeks at home as a family!
Thursday I rushed home from work to make cookies for the Zeta Alumni meeting. I was so excited to actually be able to go this month. We did a cookie exchange and an ornament chinese auction. It was great to see some of my old Zeta friends and meet a few new ones. I'm definetly looking forward to next month!
Friday I rushed home again to make gingerbread and pigs in a blanket for the Michael's Christmas party. We look forward for this party every year. A lot of our friends from camping come and it's always nice to catch up. The kids had a great time getting lots of attention and there was lots of great food.
Tanner had a great time!
Saturday we worked on getting the house cleaned up. Around 2 we started getting ready to head to Hampton for my faculty Christmas party when I got a phone call that the rode to our site was flooded from the storm. We discussed options and our principal tried to find another site but eventually we decided we would have to cancel the party. After speaking with the principal and all the vendors we decided to move the party to January 29th. Even though it won't be Christmas anymore we'll still have a Christmas themed party and we'll all have a great time. I've already started receiving RSVPs and it looks like we will have more people for the January party than we would have had at the December one so everything worked out for the best! Since we didn't have to go to Hampton but my mom was already here to babysit she let us go see a movie and have dinner. We saw The Blind Side and it was fantastic. If you haven't seen it yet you should go as soon as possible! After we got home Noah's mom and stepdad (Mimi and Papa) got in from Vermont. They came over with Auntie Ann and Theresa and we all had dinner and visited for a while. It is always great to see them!
While the whole upper east coast got pounded...
this was our blizzard!
Sunday morning Izabel slept until 9:00am! We were late to church because we use her as our alarm. We haven't been in a while so she had moved to a new class. She cried when I left her which is never fun but she is going to have to get used to it since preschool is coming soon! It was a great service with great music. While I was gone with the kids Noah met Barry at Home Depot for materials to work on our deck. This was our Christmas present from them and it looks beautiful! It's not quite finished so pictures will have to wait until next weekend. Throughout the day people stopped by to visit. I managed to get the tree decorated and all the presents wrapped. We did Christmas with Noah's family and we all got amazing gifts. Izabel and Tanner got lots of toys and clothes, I got a purse full of goodies and Noah and I both got season passes to Ocean Breeze. We also of course had the deck repairs and we got a gift certificate to Home Depot to start working on our fence. Soon we'll have this place looking exactly like we want it to! After presents we all had lasagna and the Michael's family came to visit as well. We had such a great time with everyone and it was tough when it came time to say goodnight!
We have four stockings now!!!
he smiles every time we put it on him!
We had a little more time with Mimi and Papa on Monday. They came over to work on the deck some more and play with the kids. They stayed while Noah and I went to Strayer University to meet with admissions. Noah is officially enrolled in their BBA program and will start January 11th. He should get full benefits from the post 9/11 GI bill which will be amazing during his three years of school. Everything looks good but we're still keeping our fingers crossed that it all turns out the way they say it will. I'm so proud of him for finally doing this. I know it will be tough while we're both in school but in the end it will be such a great thing for our family! We came home and said goodbye to Mimi and Papa. They headed down to Florida to have Christmas with Gigi but they will be back next weekend! Now it's time to enjoy a few weeks at home as a family!
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