I know it's almost been a week since Thanksgiving but we've been super busy around here. I finally found a moment to put them up and fill everyone in on the rest of our weekend. After having a great Thanksgiving we woke up on Black Friday and headed straight to Babies R Us. I normally would never dream of going shopping on black Friday by myself with two kids but I couldn't pass up buy one get one free baby food and diapers! After buying as many as I could I brought the kids back home and did a little more online shopping. I bought Noah's Christmas present which I am very excited about I just have to hope that I can keep it a secret until Christmas!
My beautiful table and some of our spread
Izzy and Evie
In big Izzy news - we officially started potty training full time on Sunday. We've been putting her on the potty and talking about it but nothing consistent. On Sunday we went into big girl underwear and put the potty in the living room. She went through three pairs Sunday and Monday but today she only had one accident and pooped in the potty! We're still using pull ups at night and during naps but she's doing so well so quickly! I'm sure we'll still have more accidents along the way but we're so thrilled with how well she has done so far. She's in a big girl bed, going potty like a big girl and talking so much more! We've been waiting for all of these things but now I can't figure out what happened to my baby girl!
The required blackmail picture!
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