We both had a three day weekend due to the holiday so it was really nice to hang out and relax as a family. For New Years Eve we took Izabel to my mom's house for a sleepover and then just hung out and played games until midnight. We went to bed shortly after only to be woken up at 4am. My mom said Izabel had been screaming for quite a while and hadn't really slept so I got up and went to get her. I really thought I had a couple years before I would have to pick her up from a sleepover in the middle of the night! I brought her home and it took me an hour and a half to get her to sleep. I think she had a tummy ache and didn't feel well. I got up with Tanner a few hours later and Izabel and Noah slept in until 10am!
For New Years Day we worked around the house cleaning and organizing. Pretty much all of the Christmas stuff was cleaned up so we put that in the attic and just spent the day relaxing and playing with the wii. We had the Ingrams over for dinner and Izabel and Tanner had a great time playing with their girls (although Izabel and Evie fight over toys a lot!) Amy and Ray came over after dinner and played games with us for a while.
Saturday morning we got up and got going early so we could meet the Ingrams at the aquarium. We have a membership but we hadn't been there since the new section opened so we were excited to go. Izabel kept saying "I want to see fishies." We had a nice time there and then headed home for lunch and naps.
Jess and the girls
Jess and the girls
After naptime we went over to the Ingram's for spaghetti dinner and game night. Izabel and Evie did much better and other than one meltdown the kids were great! We had a great time playing poker and hanging out with everyone as usual.
Coloring kept them quite for a little bit
Coloring kept them quite for a little bit
Sunday morning I got to sleep in a little bit. Noah got up with the kids and was giving Izabel a bath when I got up. I gave Tanner a bath and got us all ready for church. After church we had lunch and put the kids down for a nap. Auntie Ann came over to play with us and stayed for dinner. We played wii and watched State of Play which was pretty good.
We had a great weekend and it was a great start to the new year! Now it's time to get back to our regular (but improved) routine!
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