Well as you may or may not know any amount of snow pretty much shuts everything down around here. We don't get it hardly ever so we don't have the equipment to deal with it and people don't know how to drive in it. We ended up with 7-9 inches of snow over the weekend which to us is a blizzard! It was exciting and fun. Sunday we never made it outside but it was nice just hanging out and playing all day.
Everything was shut down again Monday. Even Noah didn't have to go to work which shocked us both! We were all ready to get out of the house so we went out to run some errands. The Armada was past due for an inspection so we went to take care of that and then we stopped for lunch. While we were eating Amy and Ray came in so we got to catch up with them for a few minutes! Then we went to Kohls to get Noah some business casual clothes for our trip. By the time we were done there both kids were asleep so we headed home for naps. Izabel didn't sleep long so I took her back outside to play in the snow. We even went for a little walk in the wagon which was quite challenging.
Trying to walk in the snow. She would take a step and then
look at me and say "help me please!"
Our yard covered in snow (Daddy cleared the walkway for us!)
Trying to walk in the snow. She would take a step and then
look at me and say "help me please!"
Massanutten, we never thought we'd need it here!
Noah had to go to class (even though EVERY other college in the area was closed) so me and the kids had dinner and then I gave them both a bath and put them to bed.
Izzy and Tanner in their matching bath towels!
Izzy and Tanner in their matching bath towels!
School is closed again today so I am home with the kids, but I still have to go to work for a little while. My students complete 9-30 pages papers for DECA competition and they are due Thursday. They have to be signed and go in the mail today since we leave for Orlando early tomorrow morning. I contacted all of my students yesterday and they will be meeting me at school shortly. I also have to contact all of the parents of the kids I am taking to Orlando to make sure we're all ready to go. I guess this is what I get for being a dedicated teacher, but it still sucks to have to drive all the way to Hampton in the snow when I don't even have to work! Then I have to stop at the grocery store and finish all this laundry before I can pack and get some sleep! 3:00am is going to come really quickly I'm afraid! We don't get home until Sunday but I'll have lots of pictures and updates then. Enjoy the rest of your week :)
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