This past weekend went really well but way too quickly! Noah's birthday was Monday so he got to sleep in both days. He took full advantage of this by sleeping until 12:30! Must be nice :) Saturday I got up and took the kids to the Jungle Gym for a playdate. It was snowing pretty hard when we left the house but nothing stuck. We got there early so we ran over to babies r us to pick up some diapers and wipes. Tanner was asleep so I put him in his stroller and let Izabel walk. Usually she is pretty good about holding on to the stroller and "helping" me push but this time she wanted to push all by herself. Of course she couldn't manuver around the corners without my help and she got very mad when I tried to turn the stroller. She ended up throwing herself on the floor doing a full-fledged two year old temper tantrum. I walked away and told her we were leaving so she got up and followed us almost to the check out line before she turned around and bolted the other way. I looked at the cashier, pushed the stroller to the register and went after Izabel. It took me a few minutes to finally get her because she of course thought it was a fun little game. I got back and paid for everything and got them out to the car. It's so hard to be out with them by myself because if she runs off I have to leave him to go get her!
After the store we still went to the jungle gym for some jumping time. I needed to spend some time with the other mom's and Izabel needed to run off some energy. She got a pretty good lecture before we got there though! She jumped for a while and I even let Tanner crawl around in one of them until a bunch of bigger kids came in. We had some lunch and then headed home.

Izabel was exhausted and hadn't had her nap so we left her at home and went to the ODU game. It was a sold out game vs George Mason (who was in first place). We won, VCU and Northeastern lost putting us in a tie for first place! It was a great day :)

After the game I met up with Humaira and some of her friends for dinner and some drinks. It was nice to sit and chat for a little while without chasing the kids around. When I came home Noah headed to a friends house for a party. He ended up spending the night because he had been drinking too much to drive.
Sunday morning Noah came home and went back to bed. I was doing some homework before church and realized I had missed a deadline for a paper! Needless to say we missed church so I could do the assignment and get it in as soon as possible. After I was done Humaira came over to spend some time with the kids. I woke Noah up so he could take his midterm for psychology while we were out of the house. We went to lunch, did some shopping, and then went to Skinny Dip for a treat before coming home. We had Outback to go for our Valentine's dinner and spent the evening writing a paper for Noah's business class. So romantic!
Monday was Noah's actual birthday but we both had to work. My school played their rival for the final basketball game of the season. Noah came over after work to watch the very heated and intense game. Since we couldn't celebrate on his actual birthday we had a birthday dinner last night. Izabel helped me make and decorate a cake and Auntie came over since it was her birthday. We had chicken cutlets, mashed potatoes and corn and then some yummy birthday cake. Once the kids went to bed Noah got to go to poker (first time this year!). It was a great night and we all had a nice time!
Izabel helped me make and decorate the cake
I did the words and she did all of the balloons!
I did the words and she did all of the balloons!
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