For spring break this year Noah and I took the kids to Massanutten. We own timeshare there and go pretty much every year. We love going and each year they add more and more things to do! This was the first trip all four of us have gone on together and Tanner's first vacation ever!
We left on Friday right after work. We hit quite a bit of traffic and stopped for dinner so we didn't get there until a little after 8. We checked in and started settling into our beautiful unit. We got into one of the new ones and it had two bedrooms with a big living room and full kitchen. There was lots of room to run and play which the kids loved! The part they liked the most was the fenced in porch. Izabel could go in and out whenever she liked and she loved having that kind of freedom! Aunt Amy came up for the weekend and arrived about an hour after we did. On Saturday Noah and I went to the grocery store to get food for the week. Afterwards we all walked to the park and had a picnic. Both of the kids had a great time playing and we were all exhausted when we got back just in time for naps. After a nice steak dinner we went down to the pool for a while. We thought Tanner would love it since he loves the bath so much but he started screaming as soon as his toes touched the water. I tried to get him to go in but he wasn't having it so I took him over to the lounge chair and we just snuggled. It was a great time for the two of us and I wouldn't have traded it for any amount of swimming in the world!
Playing on the little deck
Sunday Aunt Amy left first thing in the morning to get home and celebrate Easter with Ray. We had all of our Easter celebrations there - see the Easter post below! We finished up the evening with another swim. Daddy and Izabel played in the pool while Tanner I spent some more time snuggling!
Izzy started jumping in and going under all by herself!
Izzy started jumping in and going under all by herself!
Monday we got up bright and early to go do our owner update. It's the normal timeshare tour but they try to fill us in on what's going on with the resort and what new things will be coming soon. The fed us breakfast and showed us the new cottages they are building. They are really nice but kind of small. After the update we went back to have lunch and naps. We played some more and then went to the waterpark. Izabel had so much fun going on the slides and the lazy river with Daddy. I very slowly moved Tanner into the little kiddie pool. It took a long time but I eventually got him in the water. After a while he was playing and splashing and having a great time.
He finally likes it! Yay!
Tuesday morning I left the kids with Daddy so I could go to the spa! I was super excited. One of the perks of sitting through the owner update is the $100 they give you that I always spend in the spa. I started with a spa pedicure. Afterwards I spend some time in the relaxation room with my book. It was so nice to just sit and read without any interruptions! Then I moved on to my hour long Swedish massage. It was fabulous and I can't wait until next year...or maybe Mother's Day :) We pretty much just laid low the rest of the afternoon. Then we took the kids down to feed the ducks at the lake and play at the park. It was really hot so we went in to the pool for a little while. Tanner actually played in the water for a little bit.
Wednesday it was time to go home so Noah could go to his first class of the new quarter! He made straight As last quarter and we want him to keep it up! We had a wonderful family vacation and we can't wait to do it again!
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