On Saturday we had Tanner's first birthday party. We had a lot of family and friends over to celebrate including a bunch of little ones for Tanner to play with! We went with a baby animal theme and really focused on monkeys. Tanner had a great time ad got lots of great gifts. He got several really cute outfits, a bunch of trucks and other toys (which we didn't already have) and a bunch of new Disney movies! We got him a mega blocks table. Both Tanner and Izzy play with the blocks all the time. The table will go in Tanner's room and it has some extra building pieces other than the blocks. It is also portable so we can take it on vacation with us! He loved his cupcake and all the other food we let him have. After the party Tanner and Izzy played outside for a little while and then went to bed. We had some friends stay for the UFC fight. It was a really great day, thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us!
Monkey Cupcakes!
Monkey Cupcakes!
I guess that means it was good!
Dad wanted me to say thanks for posting some new pictures of the kids. We printed some off. Well love you guys.
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