I had a very lovely Mother's Day this year! It started off with me sleeping in. It was such a beautiful thing to know I could stay in bed as long as I wanted! When I got up Izabel led me into the kitchen with my eyes closed to get my gifts. On the counter were two huge hanging flower baskets, a large 8 picture frame with pictures of the kids for my office at work, and two pieces of artwork from the kids with their hand prints. I was so happy and excited that they came up with such thoughtful gifts. I've been begging for the hanging baskets for the porch since we moved into the house but Noah was always convinced I would kill them. We'll see how it goes!
My beautiful hanging baskets!
My beautiful hanging baskets!
After the gifts and some snuggle time we got ready and ran to the grocery store. Then my whole family and Noah's Aunt Ann came over for lunch. Everyone brought something and we spent some time outside eating and chatting. Then we all played a very loud game of Apples to Apples which was a lot of fun. After everyone left Noah and Auntie took Izzy and Tanner to the park so I could complete my final paper for my grad school class (yay for being done for the semester!). When they came back both kids were sleeping! We woke them up so they could eat dinner and then put them to bed. Noah and I watched a movie and I got a lovely massage. It was such a great day and it was so nice to be reminded of how blessed I truly am and how much I am appreciated! I hope everyone else had a wonderful Mother's Day as well!
Izzy loves eating at her picnic table
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