We've been celebrating Tanner turning FIVE for over a week now! We started with cupcakes for his class...which I had to buy from a specific store and get approved by the main office so they weren't what I wanted but the kids don't really care...and then we jumped in the car to head to Georgia for Philip's wedding.
When we came home we had spring break waiting for us! We were all thrilled to have a few days off, one of which included Tanner's birthday. We filled his room with balloons the night before and we woke up a very happy kiddo :)
For his actual day Daddy got off work early and we headed to Busch Gardens with our friends the Thurston's (aka. Officer Furston). We got lucky with the threat of rain that never really came and nice cool but not cold temperatures. Both of these things along with the fact that most cities were not on spring break yet gave us a nice empty park to have fun in! Tanner had a great time and even got ice cream when we went out to dinner before heading home.
The rest of the week was spent with a healthy mixture of getting things done around the house and relaxing as much as possible. On Friday we had a lot of family and friends come to Friendly's for Tanner's birthday dinner. He likes this choice because you get ice cream with your meal! He loved running around with the other kids and getting some more presents! Soon to come will be his actual party held at the zoo and we can't wait to have a wild time there :)
What can I say about my crazy, charming, hilarious, wild, cautious, independent, little man??? He's just every piece of deliciousness I could ever want in a little boy and we are oh so very thankful for this guy! What God knew I needed after Izabel was a child that will cuddle and snuggle and this is what He gave me with this sweet sweet boy!! His speech has come so far and you can understand him at least 90% of the time the first time he says something. He's been learning a lot at school - and getting in plenty of trouble - and having the best time with his little friends :) He's finishing up gymnastics this month and moving on to t-ball which he is thrilled about. He loves reading stories, playing cards, playing on the iPad, riding his scooter, and watching movies! He's certainly a handful - I think we're just now getting the worst of the terrible twos - but we love him more than we ever thought we could and our lives gets better everyday because he's in them!