Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Weekend Updates (Last Weekend In June)

(Sorry for the delay on this post...I wrote it for the weekend before we went on vacation but did not get to upload pics until we got home from Vermont!)

It has been HOT HOT HOT! I mean daily temps from 95-104 all day everyday. It is so humid and pretty much miserable. So we've been trying to do whatever we can to keep cool while still getting things done and having fun.

Friday evening we headed over to Ocean Breeze for a few hours before bed. It was really nice to just hang out and not be so hot or worry about sun screen. My dad came with us and Izzy and Tanner both had a blast!

Saturday we had a giant yard sale. We cleaned out pretty much every room, closet and attic of this house! We've acquired a lot of stuff in the past 5 years and it was time for it all to go. That included most of the baby stuff. Since we're done having babies there is no need to hold on to all of the equipment. I started pulling stuff out at 7 am and people were already driving up. It was hot already and I was sweating before I was halfway done pulling the stuff out. My mom and Theresa came over to help with the kids. I worked really hard but we made about $350 which will help pay for our vacation! We still had quite a bit of stuff left so I took it all to my mom's house and she is going to have another yard sale in a couple of weeks. Saturday evening we headed back to Ocean Breeze with my mom and dad. Again we had a great time!

Sunday we did some shopping and stayed around the house. We cooked out at my mom's house so we could play in the pool and we had a nice time. Monday morning we were finally healthy and on our summer schedule. We headed to Candace's house to swim with her and "Dew". We had lunch and then headed home for naps. We had a great day and we are excited for many more to come!

We also took Tanner for his first Carousel ride at the mall and he loved it!!!